Online Courses


We are pleased to offer the following Online/Distance Learning Homeopathic courses

D.Hom-London (Diploma Course in Homoeopathy)

PG Hom-London (Post Graduation in Homoeopathy)

FHCH-UK (Fellowship of Hahnemann College of Homoeopathy)

This Diploma Course in Homoeopathy is for the beginners or to those, who need to upgrade their Homoeopathic knowledge.


2 years for any beginner and 1 year for medically qualified person


10+ 2 years of education or A Level qualified

Subjects & Cost:

For 2 years

General Anatomy

General Physiology

Homoeopathic Philosophy

Homeopathic Pharmacy

Homoeopathic Materia Medica

General Pathology

Homeopathic Therapeutics

Chronic Diseases and Miasms

Homoeopathic Practice including Case Taking, Homeopathic Prescribing

Patient Management and Homoeopathy in First-aid.

Course Fee : £1500 per year, Total fee £3000 (£150 Exam fee & Certification)

For 1 year

Homoeopathy Philosophy

Homoeopathic Pharmacy

Homoeopathic Materia Medical

Homoeopathic Therapeutics



Remedy Selection

Homeopathic Prescribing and Patient Management & Homoeopathy in First-aid.

Course Fee : £1500 (£150 Exam fee & Certification)


All students are required to go through 100 hours of Practical Training, which includes minimum 10 cases being treated with Homoeopathic practice

Examination and Assessment

An assessment will be made as per standard of knowledge required for a ‘Homoeopathic Practitioner’.


After successful completion of the course, D.Hom-London certificate would be issued duly signed by the HCH –UK Principal & Senior Registrar.

This Post-Graduation Course is for only Homoeopaths, who need to upgrade their Homoeopathic knowledge and the procedures of Homoeopathic Practice. So far more than 350 Homoeopaths from around the world have successfully completed his course. This course allows the Homoeopaths to achieve the latest Homoeopathic knowledge and higher professional knowledge in imparting the skills in their Homoeopathic practice.


1 year. This course may be completed early, if the thesis is submitted.


A minimum 4/5 years of Homoeopathic education of DHMS or BHMS or Homoeopathic Practitioners with a minimum of 10 years of Homeopathic Practice.


Course Fee : £1500 ( £150 Exam fee & Certification)



Advance Homoeopathic Philosophy, Advanced Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Homeopathic Therapeutics, Chronic Diseases & Miasms, Homoeopathic Practice including Case Taking, Homeopathic Prescribing and Patient Management.



All students are required to submit a Thesis or Dissertation of minimum 25000 words, which includes minimum 10 cases treated with Homoeopathic practice.


Examination and Assessment

An assessment will be done for the knowledge and required standard for the ‘Post Graduation in Homeopathy’



After successful completion of the course, PG Hom-London certificate would be issued duly signed by the HCH-UK Principal & Senior Registrar. The certificate would be posted or else if any student would like to receive the certificate in the Graduation Ceremony, then they would need to attend the Graduation Ceremony in London. Our next Graduation Ceremony will be held on 11th October 2015 at the University of West London.



This Fellowship course is open for only those, who are highly qualified in Homoeopathy, such as PG Hom-London or MD in Homoeopathy.  All Fellows would be required to prove their Homoeopathic knowledge and teaching skills, such as presentation of a lecture in our Seminar or in Homoeopathic Events. All Fellows would be eligible to join our teaching faculty and may become a Guide or a Tutor for our students of D.Hom – London and PG Hom – London.


Duration: 1 year

Fellowship Fee: £1000



A Fellowship Certificate would be issued duly signed by our Chief Patron Mr Charles Tankard Hahnemann and College Principal Dr Shashi Mohan Sharma.

Advance Course:

Hahnemann Homeopathic College UK proudly starting specialising homeopathic courses worldwide from July 2017. The courses only for qualified homeo practitioners. These advance courses will enhance homeopathic practic in indescribably positive ways. Used together as a complete system, each module or tutorial adds a new dimension to enhance the action and effectivness of homeopathic treatment.